Acrylic on canvas
29x20.5 cm.
Small abstract representation of an introspective male figure.
The vibrant colors seamlessly blend together, conveying a range of emotions and the complexity of the human experience. It serves as a visual vessel for contemplation, providing a mirror for one's own introspective journey.
Helena Wierzbicki, Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Studied with the Argentine masters Luis Barragan and Elio Eros Vitali. Participated in several Art shows locally and abroad.
Many exhibitions in Buenos Aires, Argentina as:
Asociacion Estimulo de Bellas Artes
SAAP, \"Sociedad Argentina de Artistas Plasticos\" -
Salon de Arte actual, Museo Sivori, Recoleta Cultural Center
Bienal de Pintura, Centro Universitario de Villa Ballester
Asociacion Gente de Arte de
See more information about Helena Wierzbicki