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Estaba haciendo un cuadro abstracto como la mayoría de mis obras de arte, pero de repente tuve el deseo de ver a algunas personas en ello. Así dibujaba la silueta de dos personas y la imagen de repente emana cuidado y relaciones interpersonales, llevada al lienzo con algunas ligeras insinuaciones.
Sentimientos que probablemente despertarán en muchos espectadores.
Esta obra tiene varias capas de pintura acrílica, crayón y tinta sobre lienzo y algunas partes de collage con palabras que representan las conversaciones.
El bastidor tiene una anchura de 3,5 cm y los lados están pintados para que la obra de arte esté lista para colgar.
This was supposed to be an abstract painting like most of my artworks, but suddenly I had this desire to see some persons in it. So I was just drawing the silhouette of them and this made me feel very close to it. The picture suddenly exudes care and interpersonal relationships, brought to the canvas with a few slight hints. Feelings that are sure to awaken in every viewer.
This painting has multi layers of acrylic paint, crayon and ink on canvas and some parts of collage that represent conversations. The canvas is stretched over professionally made wooden stretcher bars.
The sides are painted so the art work is ready to hang.
Slow Art by Doris Duschelbauer
Doris Duschelbauer is a German artist who lives on the Spanish Island Majorca where the sea, the light and the warm climate animates her to create these bright and light-flooded paintings.
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