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El cuadro “La Sacerdotisa” de Marta EnKanto, creado en 2020, durante la cuarentena, en Granada. Un cuadro perfecto para los amantes de las rarezas.
Este cuadro representa el misterio de la Mujer Sacerdotisa. Hay un secreto en ella que necesita ser revelado. Su piel brilla en oro, sostiene una granada en su pubis y está rodeada de un halo esmeralda, el color de la Medicina. Basado en la carta del Tarot Fournier “La Consultante”.
The painting “The Priestess” by Marta EnKanto, created in 2020, during the quarantine, in Granada. A perfect painting for lovers of oddities.
This painting represents the mystery of the Priestess Woman. There is a secret in her that needs to be revealed. Her skin shines in gold, she holds a pomegranate in her pubis and is surrounded by an emerald halo, the color of Medicine. Based on the Fournier Tarot card “The Consultant”.
See more information about Marta Fernández Posadas
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