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Aimara o Aynara son un pueblo indígena originario de América del Sur, habita la meseta andina del lago titicaca desde los tiempos precolombinos extendiéndose entre el occidente de Bolivia el norte Grande de Chile y el sureste del Perú.
Colibrí Cora nativa del Perú y el norte de Chile.
Born in Iquique (Chile). Her earliest memories relate to the fans of their parents: drawing and modeling. So early as in the beginning was a game, became his vocation.
He began his formal art training with Stone Art School of the University of Chile. Later he completed his studies with classes in painting at the School of Fine Arts University.
In 1976, he won first prize for Crafts awarded by the Ministry of Education (EDUPROF) and...
See more information about EDUARDO SALINAS ROZAS
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