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(The power that works for Good, while wanting Evil.) It is this nook of the mind that always warns us or tries to warn us and take control for the good of the ego and sometimes to the detriment of the being or his entourage, his universe.Sometimes called instinct, sixth sense, spirit of survival,... Judas is more than just these simple ideas because Judas implies a possible destruction or self-destruction, a much more human aspect than conceded by these simple intellectual concepts. It implies in itself the basic element of the human being: Duality. The power to decide for good or bad is often for both at the same time. This immense license which was granted to us at the moment of receiving the gift of self-determination. Judas? Beyond duality, I speak of the binomial when the Passion of Christ could not have taken place without Judas. Their destiny was irreparably sealed and that from the beginning. Judas? Absolute traitor, it is also through him that everything is accomplished ... And the translation of the Greek verb "paradidonaï" carries all the ambiguity.... "Betray" as the exegetes want from the beginning of the second century or "Transmit" as the first sense designates. That is what duality brings. If Judas betrays, as he does so, he reveals the divinity of Christ to come and allows thereby the future transmission of the message....
His art contains many layers of interpretations and hidden messages for the adverted public to discover. From being a reflection of his inner turmoil, Erick Sommet’s art has become over the year a social tool for him to question his environment and to make the public see through his eyes by way of mirroring their experience through his own.
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