
Casas de Pueblo 1

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Artwork description

Mural cerámico, realizado sobre dos azulejos de 20 x 20 cm.
La técnica empleada es decoración con óxidos sobre esmalte estannífero.
La ambientación procede de rincones de pueblecitos de la Alpujarra granadina.

Artist information

I've always been interested in experimenting with materials plastics. All kinds of resources I open a new world of creative possibilities and an area of research. My Formac has had a base in academics, but my biggest fundamentacintcnica narrow the experience, as self and as enseante. In my beginning my main interest was focused on the volume and relief, so trabajcon clays, doughs can be modeled, YMS later I approached the ceramics. sta permitimoverme me in a world full of possibilities,...

See more information about ana galindo

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