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  • Country: Argentina
  • Category: Painting
  • At Artelista since:

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Artwork description

obra que inicia una serie de estilo diferente al comenzado, aunque en realidad los que mas me agradan son los primeros los realmente del alma ahora ya los pienso mas, los demoro mas ya que los primeros no demoraba mas de media hora, eran increiblemnte rapidos que nadie, solo los que los veian creian...

Artist information

Alfredo Rocha J Capurro was born in Montevideo Uruguay Since 1969 many years ago live in Buenos Aires Tigre Work lathe forty years as Cantor of tangos and folk music and I love them offer therapies play guitar and keyboard in a moment of my life, undertook the natural treatment issues to overcome a very bad state that he suffered and preparation studies and achieved great masters to become a Psychic and research of natural therapies Oriental important author of "Operation Happiness 2000"...

See more information about Alfredo Jesús Rocha

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