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Esta imagen pertenece a una serie fotográfica sobre la temática y objeto de esta Instalación Escultórica.
Precisa de un habitáculo de al menos 250x200, a oscuras. el espectador ha de entrar con una linterna en grupos reducidos. Ha de colgarse la figura con unas cadenas, bajo esta, se le instala un mesa precaria bajo el androide
Since childhood I felt a strong attraction to the plastic world, then part of the game, imitating or creating from a personal point of view infantil.Con time were forging the strong roots of these events with my being, becoming increasingly, a way of expression, even unconscious. Already 12 years had very clear where he was going to run my life. Soon I had my first lessons in drawing, painting and modeling with a degree in Fine Arts. Later I got for 5 years ...
See more information about Rafael Díaz-Jargüin Hierro
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