Information on the original artwork

  • Country: United States
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Mixed media
  • Medium: Others
  • Theme: Others
  • Measurements: 24.02 x 24.02 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: collage, pattern, patchwork, hexagon

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Artwork description

I was inspired by a simple hexagonal pattern when I made this painting. I\'m interested in patterns because they represent our personalities. As we develop as people, we keep repeating behaviors. Some are good for us, and others are not. Some behavior patterns we learn from our parents, while others come from society at large. We might conform to some, and resist others. However, whether or not we are conscious of it, we repeat the same patterns until we learn our lessons.

I find the repetitive act of painting patterns to be quite meditative and relaxing. I do this when I cannot figure out what else to paint.

This piece is mixed media: it\'s a collage made out of bits of paper and fabric. I used both acrylic and oil paint to unify it together. It was also inspired by my Grandmother, who made quilts. Even though the patches were very different from one another, unity was found in their variety. It\'s analogous to society. We are all a different \"patch\" and we cannot act without influencing another.

Artist information

I was born in Kentucky in 1974. I grew up in the Southeast US, and moved around a lot. I have been making art since I could hold a crayon. I was an only child, and entertained myself by drawing and painting. I have a deep inner life, and find artmaking to be the ultimate release.

I teach art to adults, and enjoy drawing and painting birds. I also focus on metaphorical objects that relate to my own experience.

I went to the University of Chicago for art school, where I earned an

See more information about Sarah Kaiser-Amaral

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