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“La lectura es como el alimento; el provecho no está en proporción de lo que se come, sino de los que se digiere.” Jaime Luciano Balmes.
Transformación de elementos y símbolos del día de muertos en meros símbolos, letras, palabras que dan idea de la riqueza cultural mexicana
(Trybal) Arturo Morán, born in Toluca Edo. of Sci. And since childhood has had an interest in art. After becoming an analyst programmer specializing in graphic design, is born the need to focus on art, then enter the bachelor of fine arts, soon able to put two pieces in a database known Latin American netart administered by Brian net.art pioneer in Mackern (netart .org.uy / latino).
Its subject matter is varied, although there are recurring elements such as sound,...
See more information about (trybal) Arturo Morán