© All rights reserved
YEAR: 2010
MEASURE: 50 X 70 X 0,5 CM
LO STREGATTO ASTRATTO's character inspired by the story of Lewis Carroll. This painting is the continuation of a series of paintings: IL CAPPELLAIO MATTO (The Mad Hatter), LE ANSIE DEL BIANCONIGLIO (the anxieties of the white rabbit), LO STREGATTO ASTRATTO (the abstract Cheshire), MOLTEZZA, ALICE NEL PAESE DELLE MERAVIGLIE (Alice in wonderland).
The work is not absolutely a print and was performed by me. If you want to see where I have showcased my work click on this link [-][-]1988.[---------]813253 and this other link [-][-]2640.[---------]813253
If you like my artworks see my blog COLORE & CALORE: [-]
I love my paintings and I would love if they were purchased by someone who loves them like me, have I not right? I wish you all good view of my work.
See more information about Enrica Merlo Artist
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