2008 Tree wood with Japanese engineering on a measly metal base, which doesn-t fall off the table. Box of coloured balls and the chance of a whiff of scent. A portable Guernika tree and use of a wireless propellor. It has two motors, one very noisy and the upper one silent. A hooked boa. rechargeable battery and a mini tv at the back.
Some of the locals say that J J Cuper was born in Bilbao in the 50’s, though not all seem to be aware of that fact. As a child he lived in Iturribide, as an adult he lived in France, which he has since left. His parents studied medicine and pharmacy whilst he developed his career in Sarriko coinciding with the dawn of democracy in Spain.
He married Miss Martiatu and has two good sons who have not turned out to be snobs. He worked...
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