
Graffiti mural de Gato en Mataro

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Artwork description

Graffiti mural de un gato callejero con el pelo pintado con colores lilas, rosas, naranjas, amarillos, etc... para dar vida a un animal que pasea por las calles y no suele ser muy bien tratado por el hombre en general. Es un felino que tiene muy desarrollado el sentido de la supervivencia y todos podriamos aprender mucho de él.
He intentado transmitir todo esto con su mirada, sólo es necesario mirarle al ojo para sentir lo que os transmite.

Artist information

Berok is the stage name of a graffiti artist and muralist of Barcelona. Born in Barcelona in 1978. He started his business in the world of graffiti in 1992.
His street art has the characteristic of being open to any style, so you can make street graffiti style lettering, through manga style, childish, serious, humorous to the point of getting photographic effects.

His works have been recognized by being of the highest quality and located in key areas to be appreciated by...

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