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El sol marchita el silencio
de aquellos tristes parajes,
las moscas buscan descanso
por aquellas soledades.
Un mugido que se acerca,
luego otro más y un tercero,
en tropel y con paciencia
buscan seguir un cencerro.
La dulzura empobrecida,
ha siglos busca expresarse
caminado por la vida
callando, por no acordarse.
El sacrificio escondido
del amor echo servicio,
en amor mide su peso,
y en la espíritu es riqueza.
Hi all, colleagues and lovers of art!
I Cruz Jurado Traverso, artist by profession, a few years ago.
I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a May 3, 1978. In my childhood and adolescence I lived in provinces such as Jujuy, Córdoba, enjoying the contact with nature, which taught me a lot.
Again in Buenos Aires, after finishing school and "ride around" for different universities, I ended up studying at the Institute CONSUDEC, where I graduated...
See more information about Cruz Jurado Traverso
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