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Óleo sobre lienzo. 100x67cm
Al buscar temas para pintar por el Maremagnum de Barcelona, cargada con mis bártulos, di con
ellas. Coquetas y divertidas cruzaron su mirada con la mía y se colocaron frente a mi, sin mediar palabra supe que ellas querían ser pintadas, probaron entre risas varias poses y me miraban sin querer mirarme y adivinaron mis gustos y posaron alegres y divertidas.
Imma M from a little girl feels the need to express, in a natural refuge in drawing and painting. He spends his childhood and early youth studying and perfecting an art that excites and gives you a way to express their love that is alive, looking at the spirituality and beauty of her surroundings. \"Objects are cuts of the soul of those who have owned, how much more, will not have anything that beats and live?\". At the beginning of his career began working in various artistic fields, but...
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