Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Canada
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Oil
  • Medium: Panel
  • Theme: Landscaping
  • Measurements: 11.81 x 9.84 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: landscape, pond, trees, water, red, tree

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Artwork description

Francois Fournier Canadian Impressionist
Web Site:[-]

Nature varies itself relentlessly. It is this contact with a persistently changing environment that inspires his creations. By observing the constantly shifting seasons, days, hours, or moods, he interprets the same area differently every time he returns to it. Each time he revisits a location, nature has renewed itself because light and atmosphere may have changed various physical features and modified curves, colours and textures. It is a 10" x 12" original oil painting executed on a masonite board. François is a graduate of Bishop’s University with a Bachelor of Studio Fine Art degree. His work is shown in a number of galleries throughout the Eastern Townships of Quebec and a variety of art shows and exhibitions. His work is also part of private and public collections such as the Loto-Quebec Collection. Check out my other items!Be sure to add me to your favorites list!

Artist information

Place of Birth-Residence
Saint-Jean sur Richelieu, Quebec, Canada. – Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada

Oil painting

Academic Studies
B.A. with distinction
Fine Arts , studio concentration
Bishop’s University, Sherbrooke (Lennoxville), Quebec, Canada, 1998

Professional Experience
Substitute Fine Arts Teacher, Commission scolaire de Sherbrooke, 2005-2010
Drawing and Painting Teacher, 1997-2010
Secretary, Les Ateliers de la montagne, 2002-03
President fondor, Les Ateliers de...

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Little 9.9 x 7.9 in165 $
Medium 31.9 x 26.4 in416 $
Big 53.6 x 44.5 in921 $
Personalized9.9 x 7.9 in
165 $

Delivery between 5 and 7 days

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