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Artwork description

Oleo en estilo propio que refleja el mediodia porteño, con su cáos de tránsito, el calor, los peatones y el particular bullicio de Diagonal Norte (la arteria que le da el nombre y de cuya perspectiva se observa el obelisco de Buenos Aires sobre la Av. Nueve de Julio).

Description: I swell in own style that reflects mediodia Buenos Aires, with its cáos of transit, the heat, the pedestrians and the particular sound of North Diagonal (the artery that gives the name him and of whose perspective the obelisco of Buenos Aires is observed on Av. 9 of Julio).

Artist information

Juan Sebastián Marin was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1978.

He is a free plastic artist, writer, lawyer.

Its main compositional characteristic, is to trasnmit an idea or a thought by mainly, and for it is worth of any means and style. Each work establishes a game with the observer.

Its main esthetic characteristic is the use of alive colors that trasnmiten positivismo (+) to the observer.

This artist is not classified in a style that conditions its works or subjects, on...

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