Serie formada por 12 litografias (tirada de 10 ejemplares)
Pettegolas: extremadamente curiosas, pendientes de lo que les rodea aunque aparentemente parezcan ensimismadas en sus tareas.
De arriba a abajo y de izda a dcha:
Viendo el mundo boca-abajo;
Piio, Piio, que yo no he sido;
Paseando al globito;
Barntrup 1965 Education: 1989 BA in 1992 Biología.En begins courses in drawing, painting and engraving in Studio 13. He studied with Erik Kirksaether recorded in his studio since 2000. Collagraf monograph given by Kabir in October 1903. Course taught by Omar Kessel lithography "XX edition Summer Courses" Chart 2004 "CIEC Foundation in July 2004. Photogravure Course Workshop Rita Luna "March 2005. Initiation Course in film photopolymer gravure acid free Graciella given by Buratti 30jun...
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