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Lucy es la sexta de mis hijos y tiene fácil la sonrisa con la que se le ilumina el rostro. Desde que ha nacido siempre ha sido una fuente de alegría. Los niños captan esa alegría que transmite y están felices con ella. Elías disfruta mucho con su tía Lucy.
Lugo born in July 43 contmi my mother, but brought me Vigo before the age of five years. Even then I wanted to paint, but life led me in ways most comfortable to the art. Now, juubilado, Empu brushes for the first time and begin to release feelings of travs Oil on canvas. Although not only the brushes, also the pen (computer) to write what I can not tell strokes. Fight between these two emergencies, to express what I think, what I feel, what I breathe, what makes me smile and makes me...
See more information about Jesús Muñiz González