Home > Artworks > Painting Acrylic > Painting Textile > Painting Landscaping > KIM MOLINERO > LITORAL, PRAIAS & RECANTOS COM HISTÓRIA! - Azenhas do Mar



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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Portugal
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Acrylic
  • Medium: Textile
  • Theme: Landscaping
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: acrilico, litoral, paisagem, impressionismo

Creative Commons License - by-sa

Artwork description

No Litoral de Portugal, encontram-se recantos com história, praias e espaços naturais de rara beleza, sobras de tempos de saque urbanistico e ecológico, que desmatou e arruinou as escarpas e as falésias das nossas belíssimas praias.

Com esta colecção inicio uma série de pinturas que recordem num poema de tela em cores naturais as memórias de um tempo de criança, ou simplesmente um olhar atento sobre o que resta delas e que tomemos como certo que há que primar em conservar as sobras destas belezas naturais, para o presente e o futuro.

Artist information

To be Plastic Artist for Passion to the Art!

He was born in Alcântara, Lisbon, Portugal, in 1954.
Being an Economist he has always worked in the Finance and Estate areas. He is a self-taught man in both plastic and visual art.
He was a journalist and wrote for different newspapers.
He is a poet and also a photographer.
In 1970 he started to paint watercolours wich he used to sell on the streets in Nazaré, Lagos and Albufeira. Hitchhiking he got rides to those places whose...

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