Cigüeña Blanca (Ciconia ciconia)
Acrilico 100X70cm
Colección particular
A menudo, cuando los vientos de levante fuerte soplan en el Estrecho de Gibraltar, algunos individuos e incluso bandos enteros de a veces miles de aves se ven obligados a volverse y costear de nuevo para ciclear hasta tomar altura e intentar el cruce de nuevo.
Nicols Ruiz De La Corte (Algeciras, 1965), self-taught person, anxious, avid naturalist, has been allowed to grow their innate facility to capture on paper, canvas, board, scenes of a nature that seems to us close, alive real. The numerous field days, working on control of bird life, hiking, mountain, and especially bird watching, Nicols give a deep understanding of the natural environment and his passion for animals known to make perfection his gestures, his expressions, his movements,...
See more information about Nicolás Ruiz de la Corte