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Artwork description

forma parte de la serie Eufemismos Imperiales y fue expuesta en el Museo Jacobo Borges, Caracas, Venezuela, en la Esposición del mismo título. 120 x 500 cm. ´mixta sobre tela. 2007

Artist information

Superior MORELLA JURY STUDIES: ? Bachelor of Fine Arts, Major in Painting. Institute of Advanced Studies in Arts Armando Reveron (Thesis) 2004. ? Bachelor of Arts. Universidad Central de Venezuela, Faculty of Humanities and Education, School of Arts, (5 semesters) 1988. Technical: ? Technical Degree in Graphic Arts, recorded statement. National Council of Culture, Education Center Chart (CEGRE), 1990. Courses: ? Museology and Museum, Museum of Military History. Caracas. 1983. ? Drawing...

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