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xilografias y transfer.
Toda esta serie la relaice a partir de unas fotografias que tome luego de 14 años dela muerte de mi abuela. Cuando yo tenia tan solo 10 ella fallecio, fue la unica abuela que conoci. Hoy mis padres tambien estan muertos. Quedo la percepcion de una niña de esos pasillos del conventillo y y de la puerta de entrada.
Truck Maria Gabriela Lopez was born in Buenos Aires Argentina in 1979. He studied at the National School of Fine Arts where he graduated Prilidiano Pueyrredon as National Professor of Printmaking.
Its expression is based on experiences of memories and illusions. Sensitivity to the old images, but above all an attentive and no documentary record of the past and tradition, personal and social. These are just some possible points of contact, a code...
See more information about María Gabriela Lopez Trück