Obra que muestra y nos acerca a lo que somos fisicamente el ser humano en lo iterior y parte de lo exterior. Esto es lo que mi obra quiere trasmitir, Me parece bello y increhible imaginarme amomentos y a pensarme interiormente, observarme por dentro. Esta obra está inspirada en las imagenes de anatomia, que se usan para estudiar y coocer nuestro cuerpo.
International travel. muralist. Plastic artist. Guillermo Soria is a visual creative very interested in trying to keep alive the artistic manifestation of the mural. For 11 years working with the spray as a tool. Its beginnings are from the Graffiti expressive, but today defines working with art and murals by the aerosol graph. Currently in his expressive language is perceived the infinite search and try new techniques and continue to grow and enriquecindose artistically. Explains that the...
See more information about DECORACIONES, GRAFFITI BARCELONA. Decoraciones Artísticas, Guillermo Soria.