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Mujer con niño inspirado en una figura muy popular de España, por sus faciones y parecido.El autor ha realizado estos rasgos sin visualizar ningún retrato de aquí la originalidad de la presente obra.Sus tonos y reflejos azules representan la pureza de la familia y del alumbramiento al nuevo ser por su luz propia.
Originally from the city of Ceuta, with the rank of province, autonomous city today, the 29th of October 1949.Vió its light in a city as picturesque as a child perceived his belleza.Hoy but more modernized places left behind as colorful as Antonio SyR beautiful, longing, although evidence for its Ceuta deserves the best projects and without losing more of its beauty and picturesque views, to modernize all the good aspects of life and living as he lived with friends and colleagues and more...
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