Home > Artworks > Miscellaneous > mirciades marino andujar baez > el artista mirciades andujar/arq Sobeyda peralta de simo

LocationDominican Republic

el artista mirciades andujar/arq Sobeyda peralta de simo

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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Dominican Republic
  • Category: Miscellaneous
  • Measurements: 33.07 x 47.64 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: familia, museo, antigua, dominicana, siglo, xix

Creative Commons License - by-nd

Artwork description

El Museo de la Familia Dominicana casa de tostado siglo XIX,presenta al Artista Plastico Mirciades Andujar:La Arquitecta Sobeyda Peralta de Simo Directora del Museo junto al artista.

Artist information

Andujar was born in Bani Mirciades in 1962 is the third of three brothers, his parents rural workers tierra.Desde early age, showed inclination for art earning his note space at school drawing the body's anatomy million human nature in general terms. His early art studies conducted at the National School of Fine Arts in Santo Domingo in the 80's. He graduated from the School of Advertising Art from the Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), made several art workshops with renowned...

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