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Esta zona de Cajamarca-Perú, está ubicada a 20 Km. al SO de la ciudad a una altitud de 3,500 msnm tiene una antiguedad de aproximadamente 1,000 años ac. y es considerada una de las mas notables obras de ingeniería hidráulica de América Pre colombina hecha por la cultura Cajamarca.
Realizado en acuarela sobre cartulina de 300grs.
I was born in the cities of Lima, Peru, in the district of Cercado (Uptown) where I lived until my youth, from early childhood I had an aptitude for drawing activity developed to provide for my own toys and then worked on the school stage in the preparation educational materials for school. As an adult, I realized other activities outside the art, such as military service, I worked for the state of my country for 23 years and then 10 years for the private company during that time I...
See more information about Fernando Vento Gutiérrez