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44cm x 98cm (con marco 60x130). Aguada a tinta china y color sobre papel, original del autor. Caligrafiado, Fechado (22 Jul 2008), y con 3 sellos del autor. Texto caligrafiado: poema de Wang Wei
“La montaña vacía”
“Montaña vacía.
No se ve a nadie.
Se escuchan tan sólo el eco de voces humanas.
Los rayos oblicuos del sol poniente
Penetran en el profundo bosque
Y levantan sus reflejos en el musgo verde”
My job in a time now, has focused on traditional Chinese painting and Japanese, and although I started oil painting in Western style my interest measure by the Eastern culture and art has led me gradually, to introduce more fully in this tradition of painting, trying to deepen their aesthetic concepts.
See more information about Juan C. Aguilar