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cuando mi balsa estè lista partirè hacia la locura....en mi balsa yo me irè a naufragar...
y bien aprovisionadito, por si las sirenas del mar se prefieren al Rey Neptuno!!!!!banana split para las tripulantes, y mi amigo el elefante!, y si Litto se prende, que se presente!
Going through 2º decade of 21st Century, many deep changes are going on.
We can see them alive, in TV, Internet. Sometimes is exhausting so much information, but ignoring reality, would be worst in all senses.
Conditions are great to communicate , and solve as many problems as we can, sharing, talking, getting to agreements, as many we can make for everybody`s wealth.
My participation is tiny, but we are a lot. Deserts and jungles are made of sand and leaves.
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