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Precioso y raro colgante "Estalactita" combinacion natural de Agata, Cuarzo y Amatista irradiando seguridad, salud-positividad, paz y armonia energetica. Esta trabajada con abalorios Checos 11/0 y bolitas de cuarzo rosado (amor y carino).Esta es una pieza unica ya que nunca se repite de forma identica, espero que les guste.
Born in Spain and after living for more than 3 decades in New York, Maria del Carmen Ferrer has returned to his homeland. It is a multifaceted artist developing various art disciplines such as painting, textiles, tricot exclusive designs but mainly specializes in the creation of jewelry, jewelry with natural elements, whether mineral, quartz crystals or other like Swarovski and others, in which pieces the emphasis is required to highlight the intrinsic beauty of nature with all its...
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