Information on the original artwork

Creative Commons License - by-nc-nd

Artwork description

Cinco rostros pidiendo ayuda, cada rostro representado por un color que va desde el negro que representa a la oscuridad, el rojo que evoca a la sangre y el blanco que significa esperanza.

Artist information

Spirits of the Forest Iwirati Tsawakana artistic group or Iwitsa Iwirati Tsawakana by contraction, estconformado by young students of Plastic Arts of the School of Fine Arts ESBA located in the city of Iquitos in Pery born with the intention of creating a virtual gallery in which we can showcase our artistic works, in addition to publicize and promote our artistic proposal. The group calls itself Iwirati Tsawakana, word from the language Cocama Cocamilla indgena group belonging to the region...

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