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Solitaria nave.
Dónde nace el estruendo de la ola
si en la profundidad no hay voz.
El empuje final de la marea fondea brutal sobre la quilla.
Y no se queja suficiente la madera;
solo un quedo gemido gutural
y la constante tarea de calafatear.
(Rosario de Gorostegui para Crea, destruye y ama)
Not that I'm interested in art and my passion is painting, drawing and creating, but it is part of my nature. Me.
- 2007
- August Exhibition Hall Buitrago de Lozoya in Madrid .-
July Castro Residence Hall in Castro Urdiales, Cantabria
- June - Masked in the Casa de Cultura de Llanes, Asturias
- March - Alma de Luna em Selaya Bacchus Room
- February "masked" Exhibition Hall Polanco, Cantabria...
See more information about Miriam Glez Gil
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