Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Argentina
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Others
  • Medium: Paper
  • Theme: Others
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: palacio, cenicienta

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Artwork description

Es una pintura hecha a la témpera, sobre una hoja de papel grueso. La misma no está a la venta, porque está considerada una de mis mejores obras de hace muchos años, con premio y excelente nota. Pero puedo hacerla copia, o sea pintar una idéntica a ésta y venderla al precio de 100000 euros, pero hacerlo al óleo o al acrílico sobre tela o chapadur. Representa una vista de un inmenso pasillo bién decorado, con puertas gigantes y cuadros enormes, de un magnífico e imaginario palacio en el que vivirán para siempre la Cenicienta y su Príncipe Azul.

Artist information

Leonardo Vladimir is from Argentina. Ha studied with important teachers of La Plata and from early childhood, has taken the brush until today.
The School of Fine Arts of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata has been his place of study that has brought so much knowledge. He has exhibited and participated in numerous exhibitions and competitions throughout his career. The same calls itself a "free and creative author"...

See more information about Leovlad Leonardo Vladimir R T F

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