
Corazón abstracto

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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Mexico
  • Category: Handicrafts
  • Sector: Decoration
  • Materials: Wooden objects and furniture
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: espejo, madera, decoracion, talla

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Artwork description

Este objeto, de formas exóticas y acabados en hoja de cobre y cera, contiene un sin fin de significados y combinaciones que hacen de él, un perfecto accesorio para el hogar contemporáneo o para su exhibición.
Fue realizado en madera de caoba, ensamblada y tallada a mano, así como decorada con hoja de cobre. Sus dimensiones son 65x89x2.5 cm Para mayores informes contacte a:

Artist information

My name is Luisa Pineda born Mexico City in 1983. Study Center artistic Educacin Frida Kahlo, for the specialty in Plastic Arts. Later he joined the National School of Plastic Arts (UNAM) where sememestres curscinco career of Visual Arts. However, my interest began to focus increasingly on more direct interacinar man (user) and furniture, so decidingresar Artisans School of INBA, where egresrecientmente as Artisan Woodworking Technician. Throughout this academic training involving various...

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