La vista de la plaza de nariño en San Juan de Pasto, en recuerdos de algunos años atrás, con un solo paso podemos regresar en el tiempo a recordar como era en aquellos días ese lugar...obviando el detalle del carro de época y el desgaste de la fotografia que por cierto empleaba técnicas rusticas y de uso obsoleto notamos que es fácil recordar por medio de un buen diseño y montage efectuados.
the seat of nariño in San Juan de Pasto, in memories of some years back, with a single step we can return in the time to remember as it were in those days that place… avoiding the detail of the time car and the wearing down of the photography that by the way used rustic techniques and of obsolete use we noticed that it is easy to remember by means of a good conducted design and montage.
Colombian photographer, born in San Juan de Pasto, Nariño December 2, 1986. From an early age was surrounded in the world of the photographic image because of the work of his older brother, developing technical expertise in the photographic frame which is reflected today in their work. But even this small does not know what it was a camera up his 8 years was when he took his first photograph in the future who would be his mentor and teacher (his brother). Decided by caught by the world of...
See more information about Diego Santacruz