Uso materiales de ínfimo valor, es decir, los mal llamados deshechos:cajas,cajitas,cartones,recipientes de cosméticos,corchos,plásticos...además de los diarios, recortes de revistas y guías telefónicas.
Born in El Callao, Bolivar State, Venezuela -1956 -. Since childhood mandible and paints. between 1979 and 1983 attending free workshops in drawing and painting at the School of Plastic Arts of Caracas Cristobal Rojas and gets the title of Environmental designer in the artistic center of Len Villasmil, Tamniès n in Caracas. Began exhibiting in group shows since 1986 and individually since 1990 in and out of Venezuela. on the other hand has developed projects PROMOTION-cultural diffusion to be...
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