MANIFESTACIÓN DE ARTE POR LA PAZ, macro instalación realizada en el Torre del Horno en el 2004 con 39 sillas blancas y una negra. No podemos evitar que en todos los colectivos exista algo negativo, que tenemos que convivir con ello.
Artistic career. ------------------ Began his career at the Academy CEAC, Barcelona. He graduated from the School of Art and Craft Covars Adelard of Badajoz. Make a monographic course of Ceramics, School of Ceramics in the Moncloa in Madrid. Inclusin the artistes AMERICAN GENERAL CATALOGUE 1900 1990, editoial Arabel. Intervention of the critic and historian D. Manuel Vaz-Romero, EXTREMADURA XXIV HISTORICAL TALKS. Evocation, ALEGORAY drama of a life experience. Conference on the work of Emilio...
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