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detalles de la instalación
botella de vino,vodka y shampaña en 1000 bs fuerte 130 euros. el par 230 euros. 1800 bs fuerte.
botellas de cerveza 40 euros 300 bs furte el par 65 euros 500 bs fuerte. contactar el artista facebook Johatan Lopez.
Birthplace Caracas. Course design workshops at the Institute Onívas advertising, studies conducted in the years 1997-2002 UPEL-IPC in Fine Arts, University of Santa Maria in Caracas in 2008.
Artistic experience
"On a sea of glory," draft presented at the Plaza Bolivar in Caracas on 23 January 2000, sponsored by the former Governor of Caracas; V Pirelli Salon of Young Artists 2001-2002 Museum of Contemporary Art of Caracas; Young creators UPEL -IPC Board Cadafe northern...
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