Primer premio, XI Salón Provincial de Invierno, Gualeguaychú, julio 2008.Recreacion de "La libertad guiando al pueblo" adecuada a la sociedad argentina
Caputo javier Concordia, Entre Rios, Argentina Born in Concord on February 1, 1975, now resides in the same city where he developed his artistic work. e-mail: SAMPLES AND CONTEST First Prize, XLV Annual Salon de Entre Ros plastic artist, Paran-November 2008 Exhibition Cultural Center "the crack" Paran-August 2008 First Prize, Salon XI Provincial Winter 2008 First Mention Gualeguaychjulio, XII Provincial Summer Salon "Alicia Caballero, Gualeguaychfebrero 2008....
See more information about Javier Caputo