Lady Macbeth, se dejó llevar por la pasión del Sexo y murió por la pasión del Poder. Grabado en cobre, prueba de estado impresa por el master printer Francisco Quintanar. Publicado en Laberinto de Milenio diario gracias a la complicidad de mi editor y amigo José Luis Martínez. CAT 434 Lab.
The blood on his fingers turned black and splash each drawing EKO like a bad dream from which we do not want to wake up. Goya, the inspiration for the black in the black world of EKO, said that the dream of reason produces monsters. EKO's monsters are not dreams, ourselves. We recognize in every stroke of EKO and away to condemn, are in the perfection of its line of compassion that is denied us by the rest of the world, that perfection is a pity that Art is for us . EKO is a nomad in his...
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