Information on the original artwork

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Artwork description

estube muchos años haciendo tamaños pequeños preferentemente, normalmente no podia presentarme a concursos, no daban la medida, nunca entendi porque? por tamaño pequeño ya no podia participar una obra??año 1984.coleccion del autor.cuando loscuadros llevan mas de 12 - 14 años por casa quedan normalmente para mi colección.

Artist information

It is born in Beautiful Ciudad Rodrigo , (SALAMANCA)en1958.estudios Arts, - Madrid 1986, makes the 2 courses of Doctorate University of Salamanca, Director School of Restoration the Shell 1987-1990(Taller)Varios school Prizes Pintura and Fotografia: - Selected in the Biennial of Deporte in the Beautiful Arts, Barcelona 1986, - selected in the international aid of Engraving, Salamanca 1992, - First prizes Painting aid Celso Lagar, years-1987,1989,1995,1997. - prize to the mirobrigense subject...

See more information about JOSE ANTONIO DEL CASTILLO MARTIN

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