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Imagino a otra especie dominando el planeta y que a ellos les gustaramos enlatados en escabeche o en aceite vegetal. Son latas de conserva cocidas rellenas con vidrio esmaltado, en una técnica de desarrollo propio y que denomino "tincasting", montadas en una estructura de madera para su exhibición colgada.

Artist information

Reinaldo Perez Zamora since 2001 he lives in Madrid where he has his studio.

Bachelor degree from the Faculty of Economics, despite their formal training, has received training or has worked alongside other craftsmen and artists with the curiosity to learn techniques that allow you to express your particular way of feeling and finally devote it really is his vocation. This has gone through: Art Education, Art History, drawing, watercolors, acrilic, carving and engraving on wood,...

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