Técnica: Acrílico en Tela
Tamaño: 83 cm x 62 cm
Año: 2009
Comentario: La belleza y esplendor del mestizaje están presentes en esta obra. Es una fantasía donde la canasta de frutas corona la sensualidad de su erotismo. El gesto pictórico, su fuerte dibujo y la gama cromática a máxima intensidad representan la mujer caribeña.
Academic Formation
1987: He graduates in the specialty of Painting in the Superior Institute of Art
1972: He graduates in the specialty of Painting in the National School of Art.
1966: He graduates of the specialty of painting in the Provincial School of Art of Santa Clara Leopoldo Romañach.
Personal exhibitions
2004: His work Guitar, taken to Mosaic, is placed in a central street of the city as part of the Architectural Project "The Ramp"
2003: His work Guitar is...
See more information about José Miguel Pérez Hernández