Busto tamaño real, realizado en cuero con la técnica de escultura y cuero modelado.
Esta pieza combina el arte de la escultura por estar realizada la base de barro y la artesanía, por la maestría con la que se modela la piel.
Base de madera forrada y decorada con hojas de parra de cuero.
Nascent Madrid in the year 1936. At 14 years comenzsu career as an artist and craftsman in the School of Arts and Crafts in Madrid. Trabajcomo apprentice in different companies, becoming an expert artisan craftsman grabbing, creating works for many parts of Spain and in South America, including through the awards "TV programs" renowned in Spain for many years. Estudidiferentes same techniques of sculpture (lost wax foundry, land, silicone molds and resin reproduction, etc), a self-taught, but...
See more information about Jose Rodríguez Langa