Daiana Lazzarin, participo con 7 corazones, de la Muestra Arte Correo Corazón Intervenido, una exposición colectiva, basada en la libre intervención de la imagen de un corazón. Inaugurada el 1 de diciembre de 2012, a las 13hs, en la Biblioteca Popular Gral. Gutiérrez (Carril Gómez 35, Maipú, Mendoza. Argentina).
Daiana Lazzarin (Multimedia Artist), Italian descendant, was born on November 7, 1987, in Mendoza, Argentina. Professor University of Arts, specialty Sculpture (Faculty of Arts and Design, National University of Cuyo). Currently, it is engaged in production and sale, online and international Sculpture, Painting, Engraving and Digital Art, of his original works and reproductions, with certificate of authenticity (Artelista). Also, performs specialized productions in the field of Video Art,...
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