"Celos"; A veces vemos un lado de la moneda y siempre deberíamos tratar de analizar ambos, en los celos sufren ambas partes, victima y victimario, la víctima al ser reprimida y maltratada física y psicológicamente y el victimario si bien es cierto es el agresor, también sufre en su “mundo” psicológicamente por el tormento de los celos al que está constantemente expuesto.
I am an artist and Chilean Tomecina, self-taught.
Drawing and painting is one of the things that I love and love, with love and respect for animals.
Drawing since I have reason and painted in oils for 11 years fueled by my mother and painter Alejandro Reyes, so that art for me is already a way of life, and something that I feel in my soul, I do landscapes, Pictures, sacred painting, animals, marine and Woodcuts, with sales of paintings in Norway, Argentina, Santiago, Talcahuano...
See more information about Silvana Rodriguez Neira
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