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El Pirineo de Girona, menos conocido fuera de Cataluña de lo que debiera, tiene una joya que se llama Beget. El pueblo entero es un monumento arquitectónico, restaurado e impoluto, perdido en el bosque entre dos torrentes.
Born. In the city of Palma de Mallorca. I became interested in painting, back in the 80, being totally autodidacta.Después few years have been "inactive", I returned to animating, with the support incondicinal my boyfriend, and my acquaintances, thus creating a new stage.
I hereby:
Collective Ed, Gesa (Palma) 1985.
Bar El Faro de la Mola (Formentera) 1987.
Auction-exposure for EMAT (Sant Feliu de Guixols) 2003.
XXIII Fira de Dibuix i paint, Sant...
See more information about Gabriel Mir Medinas