Contraste claro oscuro en imágen plana superpuestas.
Género: Dibujo, Material: Papel bond base 20 Tecnica:Carbón de Parrilla y Grafito Comprimido. Soporte: Cuadernos Sketch Soporte: Papel Dimensiones: 20 x 27,3 Realizada en: jun/ 2008.
Estilo: Abstracción Geométrica
Date of Birth: 04/12/1951, was born in Caracas, Venezuela, I am retired from the Pedagogical University Experimental Libertador UPEL, Pedagogical Institute of Caracas, in my life I have made only a few workshops already, that I had the help and guidance of several Friends and teachers at the undergraduate Department of Art, the CPI, led and guided me as needed, the list is very long of people who offered me their support in the art of drawing, from whom I learned discipline, perseverance and...
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