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el huarango milenario en esta obra puesta sobre un atardecer data de mas de 1100 años y se encuentra ubicada en una zona totalmente arida y pedregosa , en las pampas de villa curi distrito de santa cruz provincia de palpa departamento de ica - peru sala de exsibicion permanente restaurante cebicheria "EL REMO" av. leon de vivero 144 ICA -PERU telef: [---------] o al cel : [---------]835
Biographical story by Manuel Caceres fortune on Walter Julio Ramos Garcia, plastic artist self.
For me to talk about Walter Ramos Garcia, is to speak of a brother, because we were lucky to study together there in our beloved land of sun and felt, where all people are like family, so much we know, Walter was always a little boy wrestler, and participated in all contests in singing and painting, becoming known in town as a child singer with excellent voice. As a class not remember...
See more information about Walter Julio Ramos Garcia
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