Como una mezcla refinada que cautiva al más exigente de los observadores, esas formas que flotan en atmosferas, creadas como ilusiones donde un desconocido nos extiende la mano o nos lanza un grito ahogado en el tiempo. Entre sanguinas, tierras y carboncillos.
Moya Eivar nascent Valledupar, Cesar, Colombia, in 1970. From 1987 to 1991 asistial Master of Fine Arts, the School of Fine Arts, and the University of the Atlantic in Barranquilla. The work of the teacher. Moya brings you the experience of a young painter, again, where symptoms are observed clear plastic talent and struggle in the search for the expression. From the outset his intention been to show the naked human body. Bet the naked, in the light of her eyes, but proponindolo, not as a...
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